
Buyonsell is one of the leading lubricant and engine oil suppliers in Turkey with its expertise, experience and vast knowledge since the 2000s.

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molygear ep 460

They are high-performance gear oils formulated for closed system gears, operating under extreme load and pressure.

  • Thanks to the extreme pressure (EP) additive in its formula, it provides effective protection for gears working under heavy load.
  • It ensures that the system remains clean by showing high resistance to mud and sediment accumulation.
  • It ensures the protection of the oil film by preventing foam formation.
  • It reduces malfunction and maintenance costs by showing high resistance to wear, rust and corrosion.
Özellik Test Metodu 68 460
Kinematik Viskozite (40°C) [cSt] ASTM D445 61,2-74,8 414-506
Viskozite İndeksi ASTM D2270 Min. 95 Min. 90
Parlama Noktası, °C ASTM D92 Min. 210 Min. 250
Akma Noktası, °C ASTM D97 Max. -18 Max. -10